Monday, June 20, 2011


I don't think magazine transfers can look bad, I really don't. It's just such a sick little trick. And so cheap.
I may or may not be in l.o.v.e with clear leader... and projectors... and cameralessness.
I knew this class was going to be cool when I first attempted to get into it 2 and a half years ago, but I was not expecting to be taught how to make film art at affordable rates. Did I mention my love for clear leader?

I found the inking frustrating, though. I found myself acting like a scared little octopus and just kind of purging my ink haphazardly onto the stock. I wanted to make meaning, and shapes, and cool looking sh*t, but it was hard to control. I even picked my colors out carefully and with directed intention, but occasionally I found a foot of my leader had joined forces to make a brown icky disaster. why, inks, why?

At least the bleach was great. The bleach I had control over. Maybe because I was removing rather than adding. How that gives me more control, I'm not too sure....
more on this soon...

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